Providing safe, affordable homes

The National Affordable Housing Corporation helps individuals, couples and families find affordable housing answers. We provide new rentals that are family-friendly and built to a high quality. We also offer new affordable and supportive independent living rental options in convenient, safe and desireable locations.

Affordable housing resource for advocates

Affordable housing resource for advocates

Read our community guide to Empowering Inclusion in Affordable Housing — an account of our learnings to create mixed market rental developments that demonstrate a new model for inclusive independent living affordable housing.

A neighbourhood from a birds' eye view.

Rentals for families & people with specialized needs

Rental demand is increasing across Canada. More people are now renting longer because of federal rule changes and economic shifts that have made it harder for first-time homebuyers to get a mortgage. Our goal is to develop the best affordable rental projects possible.

Affordable rentals & supportive independent living

We partner with other community-based organizations to offer living options for people with higher housing needs.

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